What's the Buzz on Celery Juice?!
Celery Juice... IN or OUT?!
The Medical Medium, Anthony Williams, has brought plain & simple celery juice mainstream. If you have heard about juicing celery and consider giving it a try, we highly recommend it! What do you have to lose?!
Plain celery juice is beneficial and may improve your current situation by:
Lowering inflammation
Support weight loss
Help heal digestion
Reduce bloating
Help eczema & psoriasis
Fight Infections
Help prevent UTI's
Heal acne
Prevent high blood pressure
Help lower high cholesterol
Help prevent ulcers
Protect liver health
Celery juice starves and kills pathogens, unproductive bacteria, fungus, and viruses that linger in our fat cells, digestive system, liver, kidneys, colon, etc. Over time, these things can cause many different discomforts like auto immune diseases, cancers, tumors, diabetes, mysterious weight gain, stomach issues, depression, to name a few. Besides killing off toxic bacteria, fungus, and viruses, celery juice is similar to an astringent for the body. This means it cleans out the organs, restores the proper acids in the gut, decreases inflammation, restore the adrenals, and nervous system. If you do the research, it's crazy not to try juicing celery for a month and see what is does for you!
My experience with celery juice has been amazing. I was hesitant at first until one day I was ready to take my health and vitality to the next level. It was just what the doctor ordered! I was CRAVING it every morning, some days I drink up to 32oz (which feels AMAZING), ultimately at least 16oz per day.
To get the best results you should:
1. Drink on an empty stomach first thing in the morning,
2. Don't mix anything else with it,
3. Wait at least 15 min before putting something else into your body.
Tip: You may want to consider juicing at home before going out and buying celery juice every day. Even when I grab a plain celery juice at an organic, juice press spot by my house, you don't know how long it has been on the shelf, how well the veggies were washed, how fresh the produce was before being juiced, and some places charge $16 for 16oz fresh juice. I thought it was kind of nuts, but I did buy it once out when I was craving it!
You may experience:
Advanced #2's and 'celery farts' in the beginning (stay home or wake up earlier to avoid uncomfortable situations)
Increased energy, happiness, brain function
Eliminate inflammation
Glowing skin, hair, and nails
If you’re thinking of blending the celery in a Vitamix or blender, maybe skip that and whip out your juicer or invest in a new one. Our favorites, varying in price ranges, can be found above or in our recommended products section.
Our favorite is the Hurom H-AI Slow Juicer. This particular model is more expensive, but if you’re juicing everyday, it's pretty awesome. The basket feeds the juicer so you don't have to stay on top of it and you can work on something else at the same time! This slow juicer will produce more juice, stay fresh longer and provide more nutrients than a regular juicer. Both options will do a body good!!