Hello!! My name is Marisa, self seeker, health seeker, wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend, personal trainer, yoga teacher, house CFO (chief food operator), and gardener. Like all of us out there, wearing many hats. At the end of the day I’m a normal person. I don’t know many things, but through personal experience and an inquiring mind, I know a lot.

The information I’m providing you is my own personal journey of healing and what I do daily. Some things may resonate, some may not. Life is full of seasons and you having knowledge of different health practices will help you along the way. I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. These are natural, no side effect, proactive ways to take care of your health and well-being.

Like many, I hit a health bottom a few times in life. After having a baby and living through the covid scamdemic, has definitely been my lowest. Even though I ate organic food, practiced yoga, did weekly sauna sessions, I was experiencing extreme issues I could not live with and accept. Going to the Dr. and getting blood work hearing the results were ‘normal’, just low in a few nutrients wasn’t the answer. I was looking to achieve energy, happiness, and get rid of all the things that I was feeling making my day to day uncomfortable and SCARY.

Not sure what is really going on and how it’s legal to use glyphosate (which is banned in Europe), contaminate our water with fluoride and chlorine, use genetically modified seeds and food, contaminate vaccines with heavy metals and DNA from aborted animal cells, chem trails leaving heavy metals in the air we breathe, medications with horrible side effects, 5G radiation towers everywhere; just to name a few issues and expect us to be ok??? The systems in place are effecting our well-being.

They say it’s aging and genetics but, what about all the artificial things they are doing to our world with no testing to see how it is even effecting humans? Nature is perfect. Have you ever seen how flowers bloom or a head of lettuce grows from the tiniest seed?

How are people more sick than ever? How did I go from extremes of feeling good to feeling like ‘what is going on with me?’ feeling like a completely different person. It took me a few years and still working on my healing daily because it is ever evolving and growing.

If your not healthy, vibrant, and have stamina, you will not have the energy to protect yourself and your family.

This community is here to give you tools and options to live your Best life when everything around us is trying to make us weak and crumble. DON’T FALL FOR THIS AND BECOME A VICTIM. Take your power back and THRIVE!! Book a call with me to see if we’re a good fit: marisa@moksalife.com